Monoblock-2 compact wastewater treatment system installed in Poland

Monoblock-2 compact wastewater treatment system installed in Poland


The existing septic tank servicing a main family home was leaking to ground and a was followed by a problematic soakaway. The client required an independent Onsite Wastewater Treatment Solution using no electricity fo the water treatment process.  The client had completed a research of available Sewage Treatment Plants; He finally chose BIOROCK and the new Monoblock due to the advantages of zero energy requirement, but also very low maintenance and completely silent running.

Technical features

This Monoblock-2 is being used by a 5PE family (capacity of 750L of sewage/day. Design and specification of the system was managed by the contractor. 100% non, electric, gravity discharge to the ground. Installation was carried out in one full day by a team of 3.

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